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Anti-fogging agent can be used for fogging of windows
Edit:Shangmeng Technology Wuxi Co., Ltd.   UpDate:2019-04-02

The window is foggy, I believe many owners will have headaches. Especially in the winter, the weather is very warm and you can drive off the window, but the glass is easy to fog.

Open the window and drive. The weather is cold and foggy. what should I do?

First, we must find out why the window is fogging. In winter, the temperature outside the car is lower and the temperature inside the car is relatively high. When the hot air exhaled by people encounters cold glass, a fog will form on the surface of the glass to block the line of sight and affect the safety of driving. For example, a car may be particularly foggy for a long time after parking.

At this time, many people will choose to turn on the air conditioner to blow the glass. There is a misunderstanding that some people choose to turn on hot air and think that hot air can heat vapor evaporation. In fact, it is more effective to open cold air. If you encounter fog on the road, the window can't see the road, you can drive the car to the side of the road, accelerate it, open the air for a while, the effect is just right.

However, the air inside the car is cold and cold. What should I do? The following methods are also used by many people.

Manual erasure

If the weather is too cold to turn on the air conditioner, park it on the side, dry the towel or paper towel, and wipe off the fog on the glass with your hand. This is the fastest and most efficient method, but not suitable for any driving situation. This method does not work when fogging on the highway.

Antifogging agent

There are many professional anti-fogging products on the market. For example, our sales are very good throughout the network. The feedback from the users of the car service is also very good. The method of use is very simple, clean the glass, spray it evenly on the glass, and then wipe it with a towel.

Generally, the spray can be used for up to one month, and one bottle is enough for one year. Can be used for window glass and rear view mirrors, and is easy to carry. At the same time, it can also be used in the home.

Detergent antifogging agent

Strictly speaking, this is also an anti-fogging agent. A few yuan of household detergent can be used as an anti-fogging agent. The anti-fog principle also forms a layer of insulation on the glass properties, so that the water does not directly contact the surface of the glass to avoid fog formation.

There is often a bottle of detergent on the car, which is a good choice, not only to remove the fog, but also to wash the car. Of course, if you are in trouble, simply buy a bottle of spray, the more you worry about the more convenient.

Address:Tianan Smart City A1-602, No. 228 Linghu Avenue, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China  TelePhone:0510-85386636  Fax:0510-85384339

