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Bismuth catalysts create new efficiency records for water decomposition
Edit:Shangmeng Technology Wuxi Co., Ltd.   UpDate:2019-02-12

An international team of scientists decomposed a carbon nanowire that is noisy with nitrogen, which is significantly superior to traditional platinum-based catalysts for natural hydrogen generation from outside the fire. The team attributed the improved catalytic activity to the presence of individual germanium atoms outside of the carbon matrix rather than the presence of germanium nanoparticles.

The ability to proceed from a cleansing operation outside of hydrogen to continue energy is more useful because it makes the electrochemical fire decomposition cheaper. Platinum is currently used as the catalyst of choice for fire electrolysis, but it is the most potent before acidification - that is unrealistic for most uses, due to the need for noble proton exchange membranes. However, in addition to the preferred alkaline electrolyte, the catalytic activity of platinum nanoparticles is about two orders of magnitude lower. As a result, the competition for hydrogen generation by electrolysis is not sufficient to be utilized, and most of the hydrogen is being industrially obtained by steam reforming methane.

As a result, the research staff is constantly pursuing a better fire decomposition catalyst, and most of the attention will be on the remaining precious metals that are similar to platinum, especially helium. The noisy carbon nanowires once showed no vista, which was attributed to the existence of niobium nanoparticles.

However, despite the no comparison, the function of replacing the catalyst has not yet crossed the trade platinum version. However, in the United States, scientists based in foreign warfare in Canada have shown that the ruthenium-based catalyst has now created a new record of effectiveness for fire electrolysis.

The scientists have organized carbon nanowires that are in the midst of several different temperatures and high levels of nitrogen. In all conditions, the transmission electron microscope shows that most of the elements are evenly distributed outside the sample. That includes the oxygen war, and its traces are high from the creation process. A notable exception is the sputum, which is forming a dense mass outside the nanowires - proving that the sample is escaping in the twin atoms of the nanoparticle.

When the team tested the fire decomposition function of the samples, they invented all the samples to be catalytically active - even in the case of strong alkaline conditions. In addition, the sample being prepared at 700K high showed no very low electron transfer resistance - about 20 Ω, while it was 136 Ω outside the platinum-based catalyst. This sample is not only superior to the current trading catalyst, but also better than the rest of the recent use of thiol data.

When the researcher adjusts the method to eliminate the number of nanoparticles outside the sample, the effect is almost unchanged. Researching the staff, it is said that the alum nanoparticles are not the secondary devotees of the fire decomposition activities.

The research staff stopped some of the simulations to affirm the dedication of the dedication to the fire. They tested the divergence of the nitrogen atoms that were embedded in the nanowires, and considered the energy required to build the energy required to adsorb the hydrogen atoms to the catalyst skin.

Their analysis shows that the RuC 2 N 2 atom is the most boring hydrogen natural site. Researchers will be able to help scientists plan for a more efficient bismuth catalyst, while exaggerating the importance of atomic mechanisms in understanding the electrocatalytic reactions of those materials.

The natural communication provides a complete effect .

Address:Tianan Smart City A1-602, No. 228 Linghu Avenue, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China  TelePhone:0510-85386636  Fax:0510-85384339

